Monday, June 22, 2009

planting, watering, and watching seeds grow

Last year, a summer team came to share the gospel with students on the UKZN campus. Through the Lord's sovereign plan, one of the girls that summer was led to share the love of Christ with a first year student named Slie. After several conversations and a growing relationship with her, Slie began to question her relationship with God for the very first time. She was invited to the summer camp at the end of the semester, similar to the one we had this past month. As she learned more about what it meant to be a follower of Christ, it wasn't long after that Slie dedicated her life to the LORD.

Five months ago, Ryan, Amanda and I came to Durban to continue and grow the ministry that was reignited last year. I met Slie one of the first days I set foot on campus and have been discipling her ever since. Last month, as I mentioned in the previous post, we held a camp for the students at the end of their semester. The camp was designed for new believers, those interested in being involved in our movement, and the students already involved. The camp was staff-coached and student-led to empower our student leaders to step up in the movement which we hope to be self-sustaining in the near future. The week before the camp, I helped give Slie direction to write a talk that she would give to the students during the camp. The first night of camp, Slie stood up and spoke about the power of God in her life. Students were deeply moved and encouraged to see a fellow student share about the transformation the Lord has done in her life.

I sat there in the audience watching her speak and felt deeply grateful for the Lord's sovereignty in this girl's life, as well as mine. A year ago, she didn't know Christ. But she attended the same camp last year because a young woman cared for the salvation of her soul and was faithful to plant the first seed. This year, God privileged me to water her seed and now, she is standing before a crowd of students proclaiming the truth of the gospel. Truly, the work of our Lord is magnificent and it is the greatest honor and privilege to be used as an instrument for His glory as He grows the seeds which He allows us to sow and water.

1 Corinthians 3:6-7 says "I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It's not important who does the planting or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed grow." The girl who did the planting, nor I who did the watering are not important. But my concern is not whether or not I'm important. Joy comes from the simple fact that God used me for His Kingdom! He used me for that which truly is important, which is the growth of Slie's spiritual life. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

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