Friday, April 10, 2009


We have become too content with God. We have become too content with His Word, too content with His Majesty, and much too content with His Holiness. There is a part of the word 'content' that is seemingly good; it is the part that defines one's satisfaction. But there is another part of the word that is defined as "not wishing for more." Too often we hear of God, we read his Word, we go to church and even make a point to pray to him daily..and with that, we think we are satisfied. We think that it's enough. We don't wish for more and we come up with the excuse that we are merely human and unable to comprehend or grasp the fullness of God, so we stop trying. On occasion, we recognize the depth of Scripture, hear a powerful sermon on a Sunday morning, experience a piece of His glory before a sunset or in the midst of His creation, and humbled we step back and say something like "Wow. God, you are good!" Yet our life continues to go on with very little change. It makes me wonder, have we really experienced God's glory? Or have we just experienced that which satisfies us for a moment?

As I read through Revelation 4, John describes the glory of God with words I'm sure are simply inadequate to describe what the throne of God is truly like. Yet as I try to picture his description the best I can, I am awestruck at the majesty of my Lord. In Exodus 34, after the Lord passes in front of Moses, showing him His glorious presence, it says that "Moses immediately threw himself to the ground and worshiped." In Isaiah 6, I read again the description of God's glory and how Isaiah is able to stand in His presence. The Israelites used to hide themselves from God as He passed over them, fearing they would die if they saw God. Isaiah actually stood in front of God and lived! And like Moses, the moment Isaiah experienced the glory of God and His holiness, his only response was to worship Him. 

If I am to truly experience God's glory and understand the weight of His holiness, it should cause me to do more than just acknowledge his greatness with insufficient words that require no effort to move towards holiness. Experiencing His glory and feeling the weight of His holiness should bring me to my knees in worship. It should cause me to fall with my face down and my hands open. To experience His glory is to draw closer to a holy God. Scripture says "Be holy, for I am holy." When we experience the glory of God, we are automatically faced with His holiness; and He gives us that privilege so that we can become more holy as he is holy. God doesn't reveal His holiness to us so that we can acknowledge Him and then continue in our sin. He reveals it to us, in His grace, so that we can draw closer to Him and be transformed to be more like Him. Yet we miss the point. We are awed by His goodness, singing "Holy is your name," and then go on with our lives.

I am guilty of it. I sing "Holy is your name" and yet I believe 'holy is my name.' In my contentment with God and in my lack of desiring more of Him, I have become hungry for more of myself. In feeling "satisfied" with my habitual worship, I have started to worship lesser things. I have robbed Yaweh of His glory and have taken advantage of His grace. I have let my pride, my selfishness, and my flesh take control over the Lord in my life. I have gone to church, I have read His word, I have prayed to Him daily, I have followed Him to Africa, I have sacrificed my things..yet I have not offered Him my life. Psalm 51 says "You do not desire a sacrifice or I would offer one. The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God." I may have done all these things, but they are nothing but a filthy rag to the Lord..unless I offer Him my heart.

Today, the Lord has broken me. But He has broken me for the sake of His Glory. So I will give it ALL to Him:

Praise God, who is relentless for His people!

Praise God, who is filled with unfailing love!

Praise God, who is gracious and merciful!

Praise God, who is faithful to use us, a broken people, for the glory of His name!

Praise God, who pursues us, no matter how far we have run from Him!

Praise God, who is just!

Praise God, who hears our prayers and answers us!

Praise God, who knows us by name and has created us for His pleasure!

Praise God, who sent His only Son to die on our behalf, so that we may know Him and live forever in His presence!

Praise God, for there is none like Him.

All glory, honor, and praise to a holy and mighty God. 

I often hear people praying "More of You, Lord, and less of me." But Jesus says in the gospel of Luke,  "Any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple." Jesus wants everything. He wants all of us. But we often try to give him less, and only parts of us. My prayer today is, "All of You, Lord, and none of me."

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