About a week and a half ago, Ryan, Amanda and I flew back to Pretoria for ten days to do a team evaluation on the split. It was so good to be with everyone again and to connect with one another as a team of nine. It is so evident that God is moving among this nation, on so many different levels and in so many different ways. Here is what is happening:
In Durban, I've shared most of what God is doing on our campus already, but I will gladly say again that the ministry is blooming. This past weekend we held an evangelism training conference for leaders of different movements to come to. Leaders from Crossroads, an AIDS education ministry for schools in Africa, came to the conference as well as leaders from the church and other local organizations nearby. The conference was held on the University campus so that after the training, those who attended could practice what they've learned and share their faith with students. Since the training was done on campus, it was an easy way to invite student leaders to come as well. I challenged Sli and Zethu to come and to bring friends who might be interested. Zethu had a wedding to go to that weekend but stopped by on her way out, just to make sure she could learn as much as possible with the time that she had. Sli was free, and walked into the conference with ELEVEN friends following her! One of the girls, Louise, attended the conference and didn't say a word to anyone. Quiet as a mouse, she spoke only to say 'hello' and introduce her name. Other than that, not a sound. Yet her focus during the meetings and her intent expressions when reading the Word of God painted something so beautiful about her. When it came time to putting it all into practice, Louise was found sharing her faith with everyone she came in contact with. Her mouth couldn't stop moving. She shared with such passion, joy and excitement. It reminded me of the disciples in Acts 4:20 when it says they "couldn't stop telling about everything they have seen and heard." That was this girl. This is multiplication. Someone poured into Erika, who came from the States and was sent to pour into Sli. Sli has been captured by the Gospel and has found new life in Christ, and is now sent to pour into others. As she is learning and growing in her faith, the Lord is using her to bring others to himself. Sli has found 11 girls and is determined to see them grow. Louise is one of them and has already been sent to see more come to know Him. It's one of the beautiful ways of how God works. When He calls us to go, he sends us to call others to go as well. And those who are faithful to go will find that more are to be sent. Until everyone in every nation, has heard the name of Christ.
In Johannesburg, it is amazing what God has done through Ashley, Kendra and James during their month on that campus. Previously, there were no staff members on the campus. No Campus Crusade ministry whatsoever. The three of them set foot on the University of Joburg and had to work from the ground up, finding students and building a movement on their own. When we met up with them for the evaluation, each of them had six students each that they were discipling on a weekly basis. They have had an outreach, are starting to form bible studies within the dorms, and James has been given an amazing opportunity to reach out to athletes on the campus as well. As he ran into the coach of a club basketball team, James shared his vision for the campus and his hope to see God raise up students and sent to make disciples of South Africa and all nations. The coach with eyes wide open and a smile stretching from cheek to cheek, eagerly invited James to assist him in coaching the club team. "That is exactly what I want for these boys! They need men in their lives who will point them to Christ. Will you help me do that?" James chuckled and gave an honest confession that he has never played basketball other than "messing around" on the weekends with friends. "Don't worry," was the coach's response, "I'll do the coaching, you do the mentoring. We need you." I am so, so grateful that James is here to pour into these men's lives. As I spent time with him and the team in Pretoria, he shared the frustration of seeing the result of poor fatherhood in these students' lives. "Men need to learn how to be men!" He told our team. "They are so good at being abusive, they are professionals as stealing, drinking, gambling, cheating on their wives, and abandoning their families. They have become so good and so talented at everything bad. You should see it in these kids eyes when I ask them to tell me about their fathers. Not one of them has a good thing to say." As you meet student after student, you will find that the majority of them don't have a dad. Some will say they've never met him, some have watched him walk out, and others know him as an abusive drunk, but never as "dad." It breaks my heart and I know it breaks James'. But I praise God that He is our Father, and that He wants to show Himself as a perfect Father to each of these boys. I am so grateful for the Joburg team and for their faithfulness to serve on that campus. Truly there is a need, and the Spirit has sent them there to meet it.
In Pretoria, the ministry looks much different than that of Durban and Joburg. But there is no doubt that God is still moving. For years and years, Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa has been wounded, hurt, and divided. Through the apartheid, corrupt leaders, unfaithful staff and national directors, it has been a challenge to find complete restoration in the movement. Being the first STINT team to come to SA, we walked into a fairly messy ministry that is trying to stand back on its feet. The campus staff in Pretoria, a married Afrikaans couple, have been a part of Campus Crusade for nearly 15 years and have seen it both thrive and crumble. As the ministry has faced its peaks and valleys, so has this couple as it has affected their hearts and views about ministry in great ways. This past month, the Pretoria team experienced a very demanding and unwelcoming environment while working with the staff. Unfortunately, they have a difficult time receiving any help from Americans. Dan, Rylan, and Stacey have tried to be learners of the culture and offer no "cultural" advice or "American" input, but rather Biblical advice...yet because they are American, it will not do. Their times with students have been wonderful and they each are discipling a handful on a weekly basis. However, the division among the staff risks a division within the ministry and among the students. Currently, the Pretoria team is praying for fruitful conversations with the campus staff and national director. Within the next week or so, the campus staff, Jaquie (the national director), and the three on the Pretoria team will have a meeting regarding expectations and hopes for change. If campus staff decides they do not want our team to join them, we will need to dust the feet from beneath us and move to a more effective and fruitful campus. But if they do, we will need to work for unity as Satan intends to greatly divide this ministry. There is a lot going on on the Pretoria campus, but God's hand is in the midst of it. I am still grateful and will still praise the Lord for sending a team there to work. Because of it, old wounds are resurfacing and a broken past is being exposed. I pray that our team can be used to expose the darkness of this ministry into light, and to bring healing and restoration among the staff. Already, there are steps being made in that direction and I know God will be faithful to finish the good work that He has started.
In regards to the split, the Durban team is a green light. We're going, and we're going for the rest of the year! We have packed our bags and will leave nothing in Pretoria. Our closets are empty, rooms cleaned..and we will settle into Durban as soon as we find accommodations. Johannesburg is also a green light. The ministry will continue on that campus and the three who are on that team will move forward in building a movement that will last for years to come. Pretoria is a yellow light. They will continue the ministry and be faithful to serve and submit to the staff, cautious and aware of a potential change. Depending on how the meeting goes with the campus staff and Jaquie, they will then decide whether or not the TUKS campus is green to go, or red to stop and move elsewhere. God is doing a work in this nation and so evidently on these three campuses. Pray with us, that God would continue to move in mighty ways and that we would continue to make ourselves available to be used and sent as the Spirit leads us.
Ali, I thank God for you! You are amazing and you explain the situation and the need so clearly and you write with such passion.
I will pray for the campuses and the Crusade staff there. It seems like a difficult situation. When I was in Swaziland, our team worked with a group of young adults who came from all over Africa to minister to the people in Swaziland. We were able to all work together and help out where the others were lacking (speaking Siswati etc). I pray that you can understand one another and share the same desire to make Christ known and focus on the similarities rather than cultural differences or stigmas.
You are an incredible inspiration. Your writing brings the situation clearly in view - I can sense the pain and anguish, and yet you continue to see and spread hope and joy wherever you are.
I have shared your newsletter with many friends and co-workers and watch as the reading brings tears to their eyes. You are touching many lives - in Africa and in America.
Keep sharing these stories as you are building hope in people that you have never even met (yet).
Love You!
We recently had a commissioning of several folks to parts of Africa. My comments in sending them out focused on the messiness of missions - tensions in strategy or approach, personalities that just don't work well together, etc. But in the messiness we have the opportunity to respond as the Psalmist, "I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Ps. 121: 1-2.
The messiness is also addressed in Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God...". These words express His desire for what our focus should be. But this is not the whole verse. The verse reads, "Be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Even in the messiness we can be still, knowing He is in control. Not only does he desire us to be still, in the stillness he will be exalted among the nations."
Thanks so much for serving and for writing so clearly. It really helps to understand the work and the tensions. Thanks. (from BKPs Dad)
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