Wednesday, February 4, 2009

meet Jaquie

Jaquie is the national campus director for Campus Crusade for Christ S.A. She was born and raised in the States but felt the Lord put it heavy on her heart to move to South Africa to help build movements here on college campuses. She is the one that gives direction to all the campus staff throughout the year and helps cast vision for the future of this country through her work with Campus Crusade. She is an amazing woman who is committed to following the Lord and letting the Spirit lead her in leading us. Last week, we went to Johannesburg for a huge staff meeting with all the campus staff from the entire country. By "huge" I mean there were 20 of us, which includes my team of 9... so if you do the math, there are only 11 Campus Crusade staff spread thin across the entire country. 

During our time in Johannesburg, we looked through Scripture to observe Paul's ministry and discussed how we could use Paul's ministry to help lead our ministry. We brainstormed our strengths and weaknesses as a movement, the opportunities we had and our potential as a ministry, and the different threats or obstacles in which we needed to consider. We also spent time creating a mission statement for our team at large, with the intention of achieving our vision of "building spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus Christ." Here is what we came up with:

"Launching movements in every tertiary institution by developing students to become leaders who impact their campus, community, and world for Christ."

Launching movements - Our hope is to not just reach the people we meet, nor this country alone, nor this generation and stop. We want to launch movements so that as we reach one student, they will reach another, who will reach another. We want to see multiplication and movements being created so that the Good News of Jesus Christ continues to be spread with or without us here. 

Every tertiary institution - As a campus ministry, we want movements to begin on the college campus with college students. This can mean a Graduate school, a four-year University, a two-year community college, or a Trade School (which is very common for many South African students). With a completed education and a young fervent spirit, we believe that these students are the ones who can and will make a difference as influential leaders.

Developing students to become leaders - As we hope to see movements being created and students lead others, we believe that students must be poured into, challenged, and encouraged to become leaders. Through discipleship and the teaching of the Word, our desire is to help lead students into a closer relationship with God as they learn what it looks like to love and follow Christ with all their heart, mind, and soul. 

Impact their campus, community, and world for Christ - As we see students grow in their faith, our desire is to see them reach others for Christ. Whether that means reaching other students on their campus, reaching their families, their communities, co-workers, friends, or being sent into the world..we hope that every student who is reached for Christ will in turn impact those around them, and the world.

With that, I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this year. Our hope is big, but our God is even bigger.

1 comment:

Andrew Faris said...

Amazing stuff, Ali- all of this is so awesome.

I was so glad to hear about the two young ladies you led to the Lord the other day, and about the two you encouraged about residence hall idol worship. This is a great mission statement too.

This is all so exciting. I keep enjoying so much this ministry that we get to participate in with you all the way over here.

Let us know how to pray for you more.