I sit here writing you at the end off the month, with greater passion and greater excitement for being sent next year, than when I last spoke to you. God has been growing my heart for South Africa and I find myself recognizing how great the need is for the Gospel to be shared around the world on a daily basis.
Earlier this month, my boyfriend Trevor and I went to Japan for two weeks. During our stay, we were able to visit a college campus at Tohoku Fukushi University. After our tour guide showed us around the campus a bit, he handed us over to a 3rd year Japanese student, Yumi, who studied abroad in the United States last summer. With my broken Japanese and her little English, we were able to communicate just enough to understand one another. We sat in the school cafeteria and ordered three Miso Ramens; her favorite meal on the menu. As we ate and talked about our college lives together, she asked if we have traveled anywhere else in the world. Trev and I were able to share with her our upcoming trips to El Salvador and Africa and why we have decided to go. With wide eyes, she asked about Campus Crusade for Christ and how we got involved. Briefly, we shared our testimonies with her and how Jesus Christ changed our life. It was because of His Grace, that we are compelled to go out into the world and tell others about Him. She smiled and sat silently as she allowed the Gospel to sink in.
"I have never heard of such wonderful things like this before" she said. "Japan, in my college, is so spiritual darkness. Nobody hears things like that or do things like that. I don't know anyone with strong faith. It is encouraging to hear your stories."
I grabbed Trevor's hand from under the table and held it tight to hold myself back from tears. To see the smile on her face and to see her light up as she heard the sweet melodies of hope and faith for the first time, brought me the greatest joy. But to hear her explain the spiritual darkness and loss of faith and hope on her campus, broke my heart into pieces. I realized in that moment, the great need for the Gospel around the world. There is no doubt, the Lord is at work, and is preparing to send me out.
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