It's the end of September and I only have three
months left until I leave for South Africa! Time is flying by and I'm getting so excited to pack up my stuff and board that plane. I moved into my house in
SLO and settled down a little bit, but felt like I was living out of a suitcase. Everything seemed so temporary and though I was physically still here, emotionally I was already living in Africa.
But God spoke to my through His faithful and living Word. Psalm 95:6-7 reads, "Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneels before the Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care. If only you would listen to his voice,
today." I began praying that the Lord would show me His purpose here in
SLO. I want to prepare my heart for South Africa and the ministry He is calling me to next year...but I don't want to be living for it and miss the opportunities He's
given me right now. I know that God doesn't want me to just sit around, waiting for time to pass. He has such a purpose for me this fall quarter and I want to be a good steward of where He has me
today. As I prayed for God to reveal the ways in which He wanted to use and grow me here in
SLO, He answered immediately and my eyes were opened to new opportunities to bless, and to be blessed.
This quarter I will continue to lead the same bible study that I began last year. The girls in my study are now sophomores, mature in their faith, eager to learn, ready to grow, and excited to be used for God's kingdom and glory. They encourage and challenge me in ways I can't

even explain to you and I am reminded of my purpose here, because of each one of them. The house that I am living in, though it's the same little blue house on Sycamore Drive, it looks and feels more different than it ever has. We
have three new roommates living with us to substitute our places while three of us leave for STINT, and though I miss our "family," God has opened my eyes to see so much purpose in each woman living in our home. I have enjoyed the hour-long conversations we've had about who God is and how to experience His love. I have enjoyed sharing my testimony with these girls and seeing their eyes light up at the story of God's grace and redemption as they are captivated by how person God is in my life. I have enjoyed having them ask questions that cause me to dig deeper into Scripture. God has shown me so much

purpose in living at home, with new roommates, new relationships and new opportunities...and again I am reminded of my purpose here because of each of them. This quarter, I joined a new bible study, in addition to the one I have been involved in since freshman year, and I am so challenged by each woman in that group. They are women who are marked by faith, by love, by grace, and they exude such a beautiful presence that draws me closer to the Lord. I have been so encouraged by these women as they offer me so much love and support during this time of transition in my life. I am greatly blessed and reminded of my purpose here in
SLO...because of each of them. This quarter, I get to play and hang out with 4 of my
favorite children of all time (though babysitting). But even though it's my job, I can't possibly consider it work for all the joy that I get to experience with these kids. Karlyn, Grant, Pierson and Mabel are some of my greatest joys here in
SLO and in my time spent with them, I am

reminded of the child-like faith, the innocence, and the purity of a child that God calls me to have. And in each of them, I am reminded of my purpose here in
SLO once again. AS I started my classes and introduced myself to some new classmates, God opened doors for me to have conversations about my faith with many of them. I was able to share my upcoming trip to Africa and how it was God who compelled me to go. I'm excited for these new relationship is my classes and for opportunities for God to use me to draw in the souls of these students closer to Him.
My excitement for South Africa continues to grow each day as the Lord prepares my heart for ministry there. My prayers have become so much more fervent as the time grows closer for us to leave. But in my excitement to go and be sent, I have also learned to slow down...and enjoy the purpose He has called me to,
today. I love that God is so intentional in His plans for us. I love that I can be here in
SLO, with full faith and confidence in knowing that He has me here for a reason. It's not that I happen to still be here and in His faithfulness He will use it for good. But rather it is in His faithfulness, that He has intentionally called me to be here and in His faithfulness that He will use me for His purpose.